

Reno High Sierra 99s

RHS99s Logo.jpg

Reno High Sierra Chapter Ninety-Nines
International Organization of Women Pilots

The Reno High Sierra 99s is comprised of aviatrices from all levels of aviation with a diverse set of ratings. Within our ranks we have: student pilots, flight instructors, commercial pilots, (including 1st Officers and a Captain), glider pilots, helicopter pilots, and balloon pilots.

Chapter business meetings are held at 6:30 PM on the second Thursday of every month (exceptions are usually June, and December) at Atlantic Aviation at 655 S Rock Blvd, Reno, NV 89502. Please join us at a meeting or contact us to find out where we’re flying on our next fly-out. We also have regularly scheduled social activities and fundraising events for our scholarships. Check out our Events and Calendar pages for more information.

We’re meeting in person again, but we’re also still on zoom! Members will be sent an email with the invitation prior to each meeting.  If you’re not a member, we’d still love to have you join us! Please click here to join our meeting.

We look forward to meeting you! 

RHS Members at our Chapter BBQ 2024

What’s new with the RHS 99s?

Updated 9/14/2024

Check out our Blog for some new photos on what we’ve been up to!

Upcoming Events!

September is the month for Aviation! We have multiple events!! Check out our events page for more details!

  • Reno Tahoe Aviation Group Airplane Poker Run - Sept 14

  • Women in Aviation - Girls in Aviation Day Sept 21

Scholarship season is almost upon us! Be on the look out for upcoming scholarship information!

DONATIONS: Make Dreams Come True

If you are making a donation in memoriam, please let us know on whose behalf the donation is being made.

Donations should be sent to:

Reno High Sierra 99s, PO Box 12863, Reno, NV 89510 OR via Zelle : rhs99streasurer@gmail.com

You haven’t seen a tree until you’ve seen its shadow from the sky.
— Amelia Earhart